Practice Yoga and True Rest

Practice Yoga and True Rest

Upon my return from a five month sabbatical, I was asked what resolutions I had made. I have run North Sydney Yoga for 26 years, and a Mysore program for nearly as long. This requires me to get up at 4:30 am 5-6 days per week. During our time away, I for once, got...
Holiday Timetable

Holiday Timetable

The studio is OPEN during Boxing day and NYE! The week before Christmas Friday (22nd) Ashtanga Led class – December Solstice with Bogi from 6 am to 7.45 am Sunday (24th) Ashtanga Led class with Angelika, from 9 am to 10.30 am. Followed by going out to enjoy a...
*NEW* Class

*NEW* Class

Enhanced Ashtanga Fridays, 6:00-7:00 am A fun class to boost your Friday mornings. To complement your regular Ashtanga Led class and Mysore practice, the Enhanced Ashtanga class focuses on developing and improving your strength, coordination and functional mobility...

The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

As a concept, the eight limbs of yoga provide a model for human ‘being’. We commence with the most manageable limb, but the limbs occur simultaneously. They have a sense of progression, however they are not necessarily hierarchical. As we progress, the previous steps...