When a colourful butterfly glides by, you can’t help but stop to notice. As you do, you sink into the present moment, becoming aware of the life within you and around you. In this way, nature is a powerful teacher in helping to achieve mindfulness, both in your yoga...
Ashtanga Yoga consists of six series of postures, which greatly increase in difficulty. In my experience of teaching over the past 30 years, the majority of students won’t complete the first or Primary Series in this life-time. The first series already involves very...
Teaching Yoga can be most rewarding and fullfilling! There is nothing better than witnessing students’ progress on their Yoga journey and putting a smile on their faces. But what does it take to be a good Yoga teacher? Considering this question, we already come across...
You can determine if your Yoga practice is bringing the desired results by evaluating the quality of your relationships, and how you live your life. (DKV Desikachar). Our Yoga practice should assist us in feeling contented and balanced, being able to love ourselves,...
In-sight This time of the year often inspires us to reflect of the last 365 days and set intentions (or even new year’s resolutions) for the coming 366 days. Ashtanga Yoga – even just the physical postures, the asana practice itself – has a powerful...
As a concept, the eight limbs of yoga provide a model for human ‘being’. We commence with the most manageable limb, but the limbs occur simultaneously. They have a sense of progression, however they are not necessarily hierarchical. As we progress, the previous steps...