Ashtanga Yoga – Practice and Study Course and/or Teacher Training

Dates for 2025

February 16-August 10
Sundays 10:45 am-3:00 pm

February 16-April 13 (except March 9)
plus March 15, Saturday 1:15-5:00 pm (9 weeks)

May 4-June 29 (9 weeks)

July 7-August 10 (3 weeks)

All Sunday classes will be recorded and made available afterwards. They will enable you to catch up should you miss a class, or simply to listen to particular sections of interest again.

Weekly Practice (with teacher and course participants) Saturday 5.30 – 7.45am every week as of 22 February


Option 1: Teacher Training all inclusive $8,800

Option 2: Study course without teacher training $6,000

incl. 6 monthly passes

Option 3: Study course without monthly passes $4,600

Payment plan available.

Option 1 – Teacher Training all inclusive

all tuition by NSY
Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class
all regular asana classes
any workshops I will be teaching
compilation, corrections and discussions of the assignments
exams – theory and practical

sitting in, observing and feed-back of your teaching of a Mysore class as well as a Led class; this will be part of your final exam
adjusting hours in Mysore classes
runner-ups including discussion afterwards
and any additional time we require outside the class to discuss your progress, and any additional questions you might have

To clarify: The full payment absorbs the cost of your monthly pass.

We will meet regularly one-on-one to discuss your progress in the course, and to give you more personalized advice on how to proceed in your learning. These meetings are also cost inclusive.

The cost for workshops with guest teachers will need to be covered separately by you.

Option 2: Study course including practice classes

(without teacher training)

all tuition by NSY
Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class
all regular asana classes
any workshops I will be teaching

Option 3: Study course only, without practice classes
(without teacher training)

Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class

Please let us know if you require a payment plan.

* All training fees are non-refundable and non-transferabl

‘Ashtanga Yoga – Practice and Study Course and/or Teacher Training’, is an advanced course designed to deepen your understanding of Yoga on all levels; and if you wish to learn how to teach. Delving into the philosophy, ritual, anatomy, obstacles and psychology of yoga, it’s perfect for students wishing to expand and heighten their experience of the practice.

Throughout the course, you’ll receive mentorship and training from Angelika Knoerzer, the director of North Sydney Yoga, along with a support system of professional teachers and fellow practitioners.

Course benefits

  • Accelerate your understanding of your asana practice and how it influences your daily life.
  • Learn how to teach! Pass on and share what you love – Yoga.
  • Participate in discussions and demonstrations to heighten your yoga knowledge
  • Work at your own pace, but commit to challenging yourself with a regular practice.
  • Gain an overall insight into different approaches to yoga.
  • Achieve an understanding about the contradictory dynamics of the absolute joy and pain of the practice – and why you keep coming back for more.
  • Be a part of our yoga community, where you can practice and share your experiences with like-minded people.
  • Make change possible through multi-dimensional practice.

Course content

The course content includes Analysis of the Practice, Anatomy of the Primary Series, Teaching Methodology, Yoga Philosophy and Subtle Practices.

  • Fundamentals of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
    Breath, bandhas, drstis, vinyasa
  • Ashtanga – Patanjali’s eight limbed path
  • Teaching Asanas
    – Teaching a Sanskrit-counted class
    – Recognizing and addressing misalignment/common mistakes
    – Dissecting and teaching an asana as part of a led class
  • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
    Discussion of selected Sutras
  • Pranayama & Kriyas
  • Chanting and memorising of the Yoga Sutras
  • Physiology of Yoga
    Nadis, Prana, Koshas, Gunas, Vayus, Agni
  • Qualities of a Yoga Teacher
  • Yoga for women – menstruation, pregnancy, menopause
  • Difference between the Teaching of Mysore and Led classes
    – Beginners
    – Instructions
    – Adjustments – guidelines,  techniques, practice
    – Demonstrations
    – Dealing with difficult students
    – Communication with students
  • Dealing with different levels of practitioners in a led class
  • Observational Skills
  • How to teach a Mysore class;
    prioritising attention and adjustments given to students, injuries, main pose
  • Yoga therapy
    Dealing with common health conditions

Participation requirements

Anyone who has participated in some form of formal Yoga study is welcome to apply. Those who’ve completed the one-year ‘Enriching the Experience’ course are also eligible.

You are also required to have:

  • A genuine interest and deep inquiry into Yoga in general, your own practice and understanding of it.
  • A willingness to undertake considerable self-enquiry.
  • An openness to communicate, work in a group and with your teachers.

Dates for 2025

February 16-August 10
Sundays 10:45 am-3:00 pm

February 16-April 13 (except March 9)
plus March 15, Saturday 1:15-5:00 pm (9 weeks)

May 4-June 29 (9 weeks)

July 7-August 10 (3 weeks)

All Sunday classes will be recorded and made available afterwards. They will enable you to catch up should you miss a class, or simply to listen to particular sections of interest again.

Weekly Practice (with teacher and course participants) Saturday 5.30 – 7.45am every week as of 22 February


Option 1: Teacher Training all inclusive 8,800

Option 2: Study course without teacher training 6,000

incl. 6 monthly passes

Option 3: Study course without monthly passes   4,600

Payment plan available.

Option 1 – Teacher Training all inclusive

all tuition by NSY
Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class
all regular asana classes
any workshops I will be teaching
compilation, corrections and discussions of the assignments
exams – theory and practical

sitting in, observing and feed-back of your teaching of a Mysore class as well as a Led class; this will be part of your final exam
adjusting hours in Mysore classes
runner-ups including discussion afterwards
and any additional time we require outside the class to discuss your progress, and any additional questions you might have

To clarify: The full payment absorbs the cost of your monthly pass.

We will meet regularly one-on-one to discuss your progress in the course, and to give you more personalized advice on how to proceed in your learning. These meetings are also cost inclusive.

The cost for workshops with guest teachers will need to be covered separately by you.

Option 2: Study course including practice classes

(without teacher training)

all tuition by NSY
Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class
all regular asana classes
any workshops I will be teaching

Option 3: Study course only, without practice classes
(without teacher training)

Sunday theory classes
Saturday 5.30am class

Please let us know if you require a payment plan.

* All training fees are non-refundable and non-transferabl