Xmas & New Year schedule

Xmas & New Year schedule

As always we will be teaching throughout the Festive Season. Come and enjoy some Yoga during this special time. All from North Sydney Yoga, wish you a wonderful time with family and friends in your celebrations, and all the best for 2018! All classes will run as usual...
What is Yoga? Centering your mind

What is Yoga? Centering your mind

Do you find it difficult to focus your mind on one thing at a time? Does the idea of developing internal focus during a yoga session seem unachievable? A large part of a successful yoga session is the ability to focus inwards, centre your mind and clear your thoughts....
Celebration Pics

Celebration Pics

Celebration Pics! We had a wonderful time last Saturday! We celebrated you, our beautiful, dedicated and inspiring students, had some fun, very touching moments, and beautiful contributions. I would like to thank everybody who came along, and made this day so special....