What to expect from your first month of practice

WEEK 1 – Your muscles will probably share with you that they haven’t been used in this way for a while and they may feel a little tender. Don’t worry about that, this will go away very quickly. Therefore you might like to allow for some extra time to rest and recover during this first week. Tip: An Epsom salt bath – or add some lavender to your bath water – does wonders to muscle soreness.

WEEK 2 – You will start to obtain a better grasp of the techniques you have learned so far. You already become aware of slight improvements in flexibility and strength, and even experience your first emotional ‘yoga highs’.

WEEK 3 – Now as the practice has ‘sunk in’ more, you might have faced some challenges. You might experience some exhilarating moments of mental clarity, emotional balance, and a sense of wonderful well-being.

WEEK 4 – Towards the end of your first month of committed practice you will be most likely able to master some of the practice at your own pace; with a sense of inner strength, fun and curiosity for what other beautiful experiences this amazing yoga practice holds in store for you. By the end of this program you will feel dramatically better and ready to take regular classes with Ashtanga Yoga or Mysore.

Allow yourself to be motivated by your fellow students, who have achieved so many of their goals.

It takes time to create a good habit, and we want you to create a healthy habit with Yoga, right from the start. Make a commitment and with your permission, we will meet you in that commitment and hold you accountable to reaching your goals! We will not let you fail unless you insist on it.