Time for Yoga

by | Jun 14, 2022 | Ashtanga Yoga, Classes, News, Wisdom

When we feel that we are too busy to the point of overwhelm, the things which are good for us often suffer first and take second place, or are set aside – like our yoga practice.

Of course we are well aware that especially during those times, what we need most is our Yoga practice. It enables us to better handle the pressures we are under; we can maintain our equilibrium, and most of all be more effective in all we do. This is the time we need to prioritise our overall health, and thus the ability to function at our optimum.

The coming weekend may serve you well – to keep up or re-kindle your Yoga practice. As always, we are not taking a long-weekend break, we are here for you to enjoy your Yoga.

Long Weekend Schedule

Friday 10 June

5:30-8:00 am Mysore with Sarah M
5:00-6:00 pm Yoga Conditioning with Bogi

Saturday 11 June

8:00-9:25 am Yoga Flow with Bogi
9:30-11:15 am Mysore with Angelika – please start at 9:30 am sharp
11:30 am onwards, Weekend Workshop with Graeme & Leonie

Sunday 12 June

9:00-10:30 am Yoga Flow with Swathi
11:30 am onwards, Weekend Workshop with Graeme & Leonie

Monday 13 June

7:00-9:00 am Weekend Workshop with Graeme & Leonie
9:30-10:45 am Yoga Flow with Robyn

Tuesday 14 June

MOONDAY – no early morning Mysore
6:00-7:30 pm Yoga Flow with Angelika

Class Timetable

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