Studio News

Easter timetable 2019

Easter timetable 2019

Easter Weekend Good Friday - 19 April 7.00-9.00am Mysore -- with Angelika 9.15-10.45am Yoga Flow -- with Lisa Easter Saturday - 20 April 8.00-9.25am Yoga Flow -- with Angelika 9.30-11.30am Mysore -- with Angelika 11.30am-12.30pm Yoga Flow Beginners -- with Phillippa...

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Do I have enough time for Yoga?

Do I have enough time for Yoga?

Yes, of course you do! ‘Time is passing so quickly!’, is a remark made frequently. Our life often appears to be very busy, and to add a yoga practice to the daily schedule can seem almost impossible. That our days are taken up by a myriad of commitments is a reality...

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Can yoga help you lose weight?

Can yoga help you lose weight?

A big part of achieving body positivity and improving mental wellbeing is being at a weight you are comfortable with. If you are looking to shed a few kilograms and reach your fitness goals, you may be wondering whether the activities and exercises you enjoy are...

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Long Weekend Schedule

Long Weekend Schedule

Use the opportunity of the Public Holiday to join us in Yoga! Saturday 26 January 8.00-9.25am       Yoga Flow with Kate 9.30-11.30am      Mysore with Angelika 11.30-12.30pm     Yoga Flow Beginners with Angelika SIGN UP Sunday 27 January 9.00-10.30am      Yoga Flow...

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From Denial to Truthfulness through Yoga

From Denial to Truthfulness through Yoga

When I first arrived in Sydney I attended a course in the beautiful Japanese healing art, Shiatsu. One of the many insightful teachings I have brought with me from this course was what one of the teachers repeatedly stressed: ‘when you lay your hands on a body, you...

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Xmas & New Year schedule

Xmas & New Year schedule

As always we will be teaching throughout the Festive Season. Come and enjoy some Yoga during this special time. All from North Sydney Yoga, wish you a wonderful time with family and friends in your celebrations, and all the best for 2019! Wednesday 19 December - Led...

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Inspiration in Yoga

Inspiration in Yoga

We all have our personal reasons as to why we have taken up a regular yoga practice, and why we keep coming back to it. What got us hooked? We might simply like physical activity and how it makes us feel: - stronger and ‘more bendy’. Some might have a health issue...

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Prana and growing older

Prana and growing older

... or how to climb a tower at 90 My Dad has just turned 90, and I have been spending some time with him in Germany. He is still very energetic, completely clear mentally (as much as my Dad can be, being my Dad 😉 and full of beans. Last year he insisted on climbing a...

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Yoga Nidra with Kate

Yoga Nidra with Kate

... every first Saturday of each month Come & practice Yoga Nidra on the first Saturday of each month at 8am and float through the weekend. Yoga Nidra is an ancient Indian practice often called yogic sleep. Nidra means sleep. It is a guided deep relaxation...

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