In stark contrast with things like ‘Black Friday’ and the consumerism surrounding Christmas, Yoga teaches us the exact opposite – the cultivation of contentment.
The first two out of the eight limbs of Yoga cover some moral and ethical codes. The first limb – called Yama – describes ways as to how to relate to the world around us with the aim of reducing the chatter in our minds. We learn to adopt a more peaceful, and through that, more focused state.
The second limb – called Niyama – deals with our internal world, promoting practices leading to the similar aim of mental focus and emotional tranquillity. Santosa, one of the Niyamas suggests that being content and accepting our lot, will help us find equilibrium and inner peace. There are things and situations in our life which can’t be changed e.g. our cultural background. Therefore we would benefit from coming to terms with those.
Banish complacency
We need to be cautious though, and continue to recognise when we can create changes for the better, and not fall into the trap of complacency or feeling that we have no power over our situation. We have the moral obligation to support someone in need or to protect someone who is vulnerable, if we can. In a situation where we are able to step in and help improve things, we can offer our support. It sometimes requires courage and strength to confront, but regular yoga practice equips us with the necessary steadfastness, clarity and intelligence to face a challenging situation.
Acceptance and Contentment
We might not be happy with certain physical or mental features of our being, which are fixed and can’t be changed. This can occupy our mind considerably and distract us from what is important. Letting go of what can’t be changed, moving on, and being comfortable with what we have, leads to a truly calm and peaceful state of being. It reduces the thought waves in our mind, and we have the opportunity to focus on what is truly relevant, what leads us to spiritual and personal growth. This is potentially what allows us to drop into the stillness deep within ourselves, to the perfect, enlightened, and blissful being, we all are within our deepest nature.
Let’s shed the layers of distraction, circular thoughts, unnecessary threat from worry, and reside in our true nature. Practice acceptance and contentment.
OM Shanti,
Interested in the different layers of our mind? Read about ‘How to access that elusive wisdom’