Keeping up your yoga motivation during the cooler months

by | May 28, 2017 | Ashtanga Yoga, Classes, Community, Health & Wellbeing, Wisdom

We all know how difficult it is to maintain motivation when the days and nights are cooler, and it’s so much easier to just snuggle under a doona with a hot drink and a good film.

However, as health and fitness gurus state, summer bodies are made in winter, and yoga is one of the simplest ways to get your mind and body in tip-top shape in anticipation of the warmer months.

Not only is it a predominantly gentle exercise (depending on your yoga class of choice), it’s also a great interest to have that you can practise both at home and in professionally-taught classes.

We’ve got the best tips and tricks to keep up your yoga practise when winter means motivation is seriously lacking.

Set yourself short-term goals

It pays to be kind to yourself and not push yourself too hard, especially if you’ve been a bit more relaxed about practising yoga during the cooler months.

Instead of trying to ramp back up into your full routine, simplify things by instead setting a short-term goal that is more attainable—like one class a week, with twenty minutes of at-home practice every other day or night. This way, you can slowly build up to being on top of your original yoga game, you will give your body time to adjust to coming out of hibernation, and you will also avoid punishing yourself should you not reach your initially impractical target.

Short-term goals are a great way to not only reward yourself for small wins, but to also put yourself on the right track for long-term success.

Bring a friend along

Sometimes it can seem impossible to drag yourself out from between your warm blankets in bed to hit a yoga studio first thing in the morning, but how much brighter do things seem when you have the company of a good friend to come along for the ride?

Not only will you have the moral support and accountability to get you through your class and cheer you along, but you’ll also be spending quality time together in a different environment to either of your homes. Make the most of your post-class energy by grabbing a tea or a healthy breakfast together or going for a long walk along the beach or in a park. You’ll keep your yoga practice calm, by being close to nature, as well as spending time with your nearest and dearest. Friends are a great motivator when energy is lacking and you need that added injection of motivation to see you through.

Spark your interest

  • Read something inspirational
  • Attend a workshop or a yoga course (especially for beginners) to get back into the habit of regular practice or keep motivated.

Regardless of how you choose to motivate yourself, yoga is an ideal exercise to practise year-round.

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