Full Primary Led class
Ashtanga yoga has six series (read more about the different series here). The first one is the Primary series (Yoga Chikitsa or yoga therapy), the second is Intermediate series (Nadi Sodhana), the third and fourth are Advanced A + B.
All series are built up from the same building blocks and practiced in a linear manner:
- Surya Namaskaras (Sun Salutations) A + B
- standing poses
- ‘seated’ poses
- back bending poses
- handstand + its variations
- finishing sequence
- relaxation and rest
Each of the six series introduce a different set of poses (asanas) for the ‘seated poses’ section. The Ashtanga Focus and Led classes in our studio, cover the Sun Salutations, standing poses, part of the seated poses (most often up to Navasana or boat posture), back bending, finishing sequence and the relaxation. This is usually being referred to as ‘Half Primary’. The asanas, following Navasana are taught on the Mysore style classes, as practicing these postures safely can require a bit more time and 1 on 1 instructions.
The Full Primary Led Class will go through all poses from the Primary Series. The asanas will be called in the same manner like on a half primary led class (for the tricky ones leaving a more time), with the Sanskrit names and counting of vinasas. The aim of this class is provide the benefits of a led class to the students who practice the second half of the Primary Series, not to teach new poses.
Who can attend the Full Primary Led class?
Anyone, who have been practicing at least the half primary series (on led or mysore classes), with a weekly regularity for some time now and find the practice manageable.
If you haven’t finished the Primary Series, you can still attend the class. Just stop at the last asana you have been practicing regularly, stay seated on your mat until the others finish the sequence.
If you’re unsure, just ask Bogi (or the teacher who’s class you’re attending)
Rules /suggestions:
This is not a class to teach you new poses. Stop at the last pose which you have been practicing, stay seated on your mat until we finish the primary series, then join in for the back bending poses and the finishing sequence.
Even if you know the sequence well, please don’t rush ahead. The point of a led class is to snap you out of your ‘routine mode’ and stay present.
If you practice a pose in a modified way, keep doing the modification on this class as well.