Early Morning Ashtanga Led Class


Friday, 16.02.2024.
6:00 - 7:45 am


As per usual attendance


Bogi Zajacz

About the Class

The Ashtanga Yoga classes are suited to practitioners with some experience in Yoga who want a joy-filled challenge! The focus is on linking movement with breath throughout the Ashtanga Primary Sequence.

The Led class is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with and learn the vinyasas of the sequence, including Sanskrit counting. For the regular Mysore style practitioners, the class helps to highlight the parts of their practice where the ‘autopilot’ kicks in, where distraction often occurs and where fidgeting emerges due to habits.

Integrating Led classes into your regular practice schedule, can improve focus and the ability to balance one’s energies more evenly for the entirety of the sequence.


Friday, 16.02.2024.
6:00 - 7:45 am


As per usual attendance


Bogi Zajacz