Climbing Kilimanjaro to raise funds for Amnesty International

by | Feb 10, 2015 | Community

An open letter from North Sydney Yoga student, Suchitra Chandar

Suchitra has been a student at NSY for many years often practicing on a Sunday morning. She’s the cheeky one!

Dear fellow yogis,

Last year I was inspired by a fellow female cardiologist to do something different. We were talking about how safe and secure we feel here with our family/friends/work-mates; and how there were so many people out there who are not doing as well. She told me about a trek to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in February 2015 in an attempt to raise much-needed funds for Amnesty International.

So I signed up for this challenge. And a challenge it is for me, having never trekked before, let alone at high altitude (>5000 metres above sea level).

With much reservation, but with enthusiasm, Satish (who also practices at NSY) has decided to lend me his support. He is as always my rock.

(I remember many years ago when I decided to try sky-diving, it was Satish’s presence in a bright Orange T-Shirt on the ground that I focused on to come down safely.

Well it is now Kilimanjaro count-down time – with18 sleeps to go!!

If you can see your way to making any small contribution, here is the link to my fund-raising page. I would be honoured by any little contribution that you can make.

Hope 2015 has started well for all of you and wish you all the very best for the year ahead.

Best regards,


Meanwhile Suchitra has climbed the Kilimanjaro – read her story


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